Services / New Service from Blank Template (Step 1)

Step 1

Create a set of test data to help you create your rules (or you can use existing data by selecting it from the list shown under Data Sources). Ensure you have the following columns in your spreadsheet and save it as a .csv file:

  • Source Column or Free Text – the one you want to normalate
  • Target column or Category field – the target field you want populated by normalator (usually blank). The heading you use for this field will appear in the rules list of your Service.
  • Reference Column ID field – a unique reference for each row in your spreadsheet e.g. Contact ID. normalator will not change this.

Click on the “Add New Service” button (see section 2.2.1.), then click on “Blank” under the list of templates followed by “Next”. Fill in the box to give your Service a name and click “Next”: